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Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
College over duurzame mode Studium Generale Universiteit Utrecht en goed gekleed - Studium…
Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
Facebook maakt ons tot junk
waag.orgFacebook maakt ons tot junk
Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
Online course: 'Who Made My Clothes?' Discover who made your clothes, share their stories, and…
www.futurelearn.comWho Made My Clothes? Fashion Revolution…
Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
How Technology Is Shaping the Future of Sustainable Fashion Some of the most exciting developments…
fashionista.comHow Technology Is Shaping the Future of…
Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
The lives behind the label is a collection of intimate stories about garment workers’ hardships
livesbehindthelabel.newint.orgMeet the lives behind the label
Yavanne van Tiggelen Community LibrarianNo remarks
Serie 'States of Undress': Hailey Gates explores global fashion and issues the industry often…
www.viceland.comStates of Undress - VICELAND