MeetupCreatieve Technologie tilburg

WYSIWGY337< - The Art & Science of meaning

Maak kennis met innovatieve projecten op het gebied van creatieve technologie bij WYSIWYG337< (What You See Is What You Geek)

Over het programma

Note: the talks at this meetup are in English!

In this new edition of WYSIWYG337<, we aim to connect two fields that often work with the same technology, the same media or the same concepts, but in a completely different way: the arts and the sciences. 

Virtual reality entertainment versus virtual reality therapy. A museum exhibition versus a publication in a scientific journal. Making meaningful games to inspire people and tell them a story, versus making tailored games to treat anxiety. 

Artists and scientists often have very different goals and ways of working, but many things also overlap. We hope that in connecting the two, the artist can inspire the scientist, the scientist can inspire the artist, and both of them can inspire the audience.

No pressure.

But seriously, we hope to have a fun evening with two cool talks, some drinks, and lots of conversation. Come by, bring a friend, and/or make some!

On March 29, we will focus on semantics, the study of meaning. How do our brains encode meaning, and how do people use language to convey meaning to each-other? 

The sciences will be represented by dr. Emmanuel Keuleers, who aims to develop a transaction framework to understand the many aspects of language better. The arts will be represented by game-developer Bertine van Hövell, who has created an open-source semantic engine for game-objects and their properties, allowing for more intuitive and flexible game-play.



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