Dokteren met DNA

Over het programma

Welkom in de wereld van de nieuwe natuur. We kunnen nu met de nieuwe CRISPR-technologie letterlijk knippen en plakken in DNA. Er is een revolutionaire ontwikkeling gaande die grote gevolgen gaat hebben voor mens, plant en dier. De nieuwe biotechnologie is daar!

De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos: de uitbanning van ziektes, de optimalisatie van de staat van ons lichaam en maximale voedingswaarde uit voedsel.

Bij deze Tegenlicht Meet Up gaan we in gesprek met verschillende experts over de mogelijkheden die deze ontwikkeling biedt en de ethische vragen die het met zich mee brengt:

Mara Paun is an Alumna of the Law and Technology Master in Tilburg University and currently a PhD researcher at Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society. Her expertise is data protection law, but she is also interested in how data protection interacts with other legal domains. She is a co-author of the study on anti-doping and data protection led by TILT for the EU Commission, based on which a number of publications have been developed.

Dr. Robin Pierce is associate professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). She is a lawyer and holds a PhD from Harvard University, where her work focused on genetic privacy. She now leads the Health Technology group at TILT where her work addresses ethical, legal, and social issues regarding the integration of biotechnology (including genetic technologies) and Artificial Intelligence into medicine. She is currently writing a book on CRISPR, the gene-editing technology with 3 international collaborators, She currently teaches a course on Regulation of technology for the LLM Law & Technology Masters program.

Wieke Betten is a researcher and lecturer at the Athena Institute of VU University in Amsterdam. She has studied the role of bio-art in reflection on bio-technology.

Wegens internationale sprekers zal de voertaal van deze Tegenlicht Meet Up Engels zijn.



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